ATOL capital /
H-F trading
At the Top of the Evolution Pyramid, where our powerful trading bots transact an incredible number of orders in fractions of a second.
high-frequency traders are responsible for up to seventy percent of all trades in American stock markets.
People who try to beat market

Run like the wind

We are spotting emerging trends in a fraction of a second. Our sophisticated programs predict the future and execute orders at extraordinarily high speed. Thanks to this, we are achieving an exceptionally high Sharpe Ratio ~ great risk-reward with low volatility.

The power of team

We empower exceptional talents in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science to seek scientific boundaries, push through them, and apply cutting-edge research to global financial markets.

We are constantly processing new data and developing new trading strategies so that we can react to any market situation and profit from it.

Tight control of the risk

Modern financial markets are fast, so the ultimate speed is extremely important, although it is not the only priority. A wide range of measures is in place to prevent damage and losses in case programs and strategies malfunction (risk management).

Market is our friend

We are able to react to any market condition in any given time, so it does not matter if a market goes up or down, we always go with it.

Independent of the market situation

Always in profit, whether the market goes .

Control your Sharpe ratio and choose the strategy that suits you.

Make your money work for you and sleep in peace

Global reach and impact

We support the growth and adoption of the most groundbreaking technologies in the digital asset space. With the vision of creating fairer, more efficient cryptocurrency products and markets.
We believe ...
the most meaningful impact requires
patience, and a long-term, scalable vision
Profit with us