Exploration, creation, adventure
We are and ambitious and performance-driven team which believes that innovation of finance matters. We strive to understand where the world is heading and how it means for business globally.

We build our own products and invest in the opportunities we see in the dynamically-changing Crypto-Fintech world. We create a space for those, who are as passionate about new technologies as we are.

We are based in the center of Europe - Prague. This is an excellent place for people who have global ambitions.

We develop products that we believe are useful and perform their best in the finance market. We build every opportunity with huge diligence and advanced scientific research. We perform the qualified work to become the best in the market.

We offer a base to the top professionals who have the ability to approach problems creatively, independently, and who are able to use their scientific and engineering talents to the full. We value every participant and every impact on our work.

Growth is written in our DNA

The timing matters

You have the unique opportunity to join ATOL Capital from the beginning and to influence the future as much as possible. You will experience building a global company and being a part of its success.

We strive to build a team with high returns on both sides. Our goal is to build a friendly team that is ready to conquer new heights of business and finance.

A clear vision
Experience by leading people and projects across continents
Funding secured

Everyone can work on what they are best at

Only now, in the beginning, you can easily influence the future direction of the whole company. You can grow into the role which suits you. For example, you can become a CTO and develop on your own.

High Performance Driven By Passion

We sense the trends in the fast-changing crypto-fintech space. Our hard work and dedication allow us to successfully become part of the global financial market and renowned innovations.

Changing the financial world

Cryptocurrency is the future of every individual. It's the safety and versatility we aim for every day with our work. Our activities have an impact on the global market, and it is a great honor for each participant.

We need to keep evolving

In front, we see the open endless space of development with a lot of work and personal fulfillment. It's not just about technology and cryptocurrencies. It's about changing the world around us, it's about the shift of our consciousness and society.

We’re passionate about the future

We have a great desire to learn and develop. We are open-minded, adventurous, and flexible. We are ready to take risks in order to invest in innovation and develop the world.

Our values

Freedom and responsibility

We do what we love and we love what we do. We trust each other, communicate openly and keep our promises. Simple.


We have ambitious goals that drive our activities forward. We want to be the best and we understand how to achieve this in the long term and how much effort it costs.

Endless development and growth

We cannot afford to stand still as the world changes. Every small investment is a huge contribution to our future.


This is a great challenge and a unique opportunity to become part of a team where your contribution to our work will be acknowledged. Become a part of ATOL Capital and shape the future with us.

Markets, technology, humans

We are looking for people who have the same values and believe that cryptocurrency has a positive impact on us and our future.

RUST developer


Full time

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Business Analyst


Full time

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Market Scientist


Full time

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