ATOL capital /
De-Fi projects
Our hand-picked & custom-developed bets on the future of the decentralised finance ecosystem.
TVL (Total Value Locked) in DeFi protocols (Mar 2022)
$ 200+ billion
Total Value Locked has grown from early 2020 to Mar 2022
44,000 %

Decentralized finance

De-Fi or Defi is a term for services like investing, borrowing, lending, trading, farming, and staking based on a decentralized place. In the blockchain, decentralization means transferring control and decision-making from a centralized entity, such as an individual, organization, or group, to a distributed network that is backed by software called smart contracts.


DeFi staking is a strategy, where investors stake their favourite tokens and on top of that, they earn interest.


Investing in DeFi projects require deep research and knowledge to find the right project to be successful and profitable.


DeFi loans enable users to lend their crypto to someone else and earn interest on the loan. Now, in the world of DeFi, anyone can become a lender. It offers the borrower to use its crypto or fiat as loan collateral, so the borrower does not have to sell his assets. All loans are overcollateralized so it's a safe method for a lender when the borrower is unable to repay debt.


DeFi farming is a strategy for investors, where they provide liquidity pair tokens or they lock up tokens for a specific period of time into liquidity pools to earn interest, tons of protocols offers high APY or APR thanks to its popularity.

Global reach and impact

We support the growth and adoption of the most groundbreaking technologies in the digital asset space. With the vision of creating fairer, more efficient cryptocurrency products and markets.
We believe ...
the most meaningful impact requires
patience, and a long-term, scalable vision
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