we invest and create assests of future
Building and growing products on crypto financial markets.
We are an opportunistic, a science and technology first, product oriented company.
The investment climate is changing and investors need to create financial legacies that will stand the test of time.
At ATOL Capital, we have a culture of approaching complex problems with tenacity and imagination. We build succesfull products and offering exceptional service, by leveraging our expertise and trading capabilities. ATOL Capital helps investors access the ever-evolving digital economy to build their future in the present.

Investment strategies

Our World is Increasingly Digital much like the internet did decades ago, digital currencies are radically transforming legacy financial systems around the world, reshaping the investment landscape, particularly demographic shifts, an updated market paradigm, and evolving regulations.

We are doers and strategists

In ATOL , we’re creating the value, developing products from scratch, creating internal tools, running research to understand the market and identify value and market opportunities.

Our investment principles

Data & Science

We have analytical approach while using creativity and design thinking: explore – design – implement – measure – improve

Think future

We believe in decentralized, digital, secure, scalable and user friendly future of finance.

Be first

We’re continuously investigating and testing new technologies, products and ideas in order to be among trendsetters and profit from market leadership.

Winner takes it all

We’re investing the time, effort and resources into projects with ambitions to lead the market or have significant market share.


It’s all about money, a lot of money, so the security must be at least “bank grade”.


We want to have the key components under control because only by control we can continously improving them and proft from each improvement.

Our Investment Thesis

Historically, new models of computing have tended to emerge every 10–15 years: mainframes in the 60s, PCs in the late 70s, the internet in the early 90s, and smartphones in the late 2000s. Each computing model enabled new classes of applications that built on the unique strengths of the platform. For example, smartphones were the first truly personal computers with built-in sensors like GPS and high-resolution cameras. Applications like Instagram, Snapchat, and Uber/Lyft took advantage of these unique capabilities and are now used by billions of people.

Cryptocurrency Projects

We look for opportunities and develop products that we think are useful, extremely interesting. Their solutions are not trivial and require advanced science and research. We want and will be among the best in the world at solving them.

Coingi exchange

Cryptocurrency Exchange backend and frontend which makes trading in the CEE region fast & reliable.

BTCex network

Co-branded exchanges and ATMs Enable smooth and safe entrance into the $BTC for inexperienced customers.

Market Making

The financial foundation for ambitious token economies by creating fairer, more efficient capital markets.

H–F Trading

Proprietary and highly scalable, market neutral trading strategies which are delivering stable profits.


Our hand-picked & custom-developed bets on the future of the decentralised finance ecosystem.

Global reach and impact

We support the growth and adoption of the most groundbreaking technologies in the digital asset space. With the vision of creating fairer, more efficient cryptocurrency products and markets.
We believe ...
the most meaningful impact requires
patience, and a long-term, scalable vision
Profit with us


We have eight years of deep crypto market expertise, development of financial products and a track record of making profound progress.

Lubos Kovar
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Stepan Svoboda
Position Name
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